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about us

eqAsian Mission - Equality for asians

Foster a positive and safe environment for Asian Americans to create systemic changes that promote equality, reduce violence, and unite all Americans toward common goals. Push the government to provide legislative support for programs and initiatives that aim to bring equality to Asians.

Social Equality
Reduction in Violence
Political Support
Part of the eqAsian


(20m) Asian Population in the U.S. (2020)
(11m) of Asians eligible to vote (2020)
(17) Asian Congress Positions
Hate Incidents against Asians (2020)
Call To action

Let's find a solution

remove barriers for social reform

Receiving fair and equitable treatment and access to resources is not a simple matter of passing a single law. Many barriers exist, and we must take action to tear them down so that we can push for equality of Asians in America.

within the eqasian

...lies a solution.

VICTIMS OF VIOLENCE need your support now

Thousands of people have lost their health and lives due to senseless violence targeting Asians throughout the nation. We will not stand idly by as the helpless and innocent suffer at the hands of the ignorant.

within the eqasian

...lies a solution.

find your voice, let’s speak as one

Failure to speak or act in the face of injustice only serves to perpetuate the inequity. Overcome your fears and join us. Even if your voice is not the loudest, we will speak together in a tone so deafening they will have no choice but to listen.

within the eqasian

...lies a solution.

Make a Donation

Global Network Foundation Announces $2.5 Million Fund to
Support Organizing Work

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