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Unity & Awareness

WE DO NOT NEED ACCEPTANCE We need equality. Acceptance has the connotation that one group is the dominant or prevailing body, which gives them the power to approve or reject. Asians do not…


Strategic Vision

Action Without Vision is Chaos For far too long, we have been navigating blindly through the complicated labyrinth of systemic racism and prejudice. Substantial steps have been taken and many goals have been…


Victims support

Victims of Racism Stem not only from Violence Victims of racism are often equated to victims of violence. It's true that this is one of the most extreme examples, and we should help…


Bridging the gaps

A Bridge is Needed Because THEy keep WIDENING the gap What do you think is the greatest gap in society between racial groups today? You may come to answers such as wealth, education,…


Collaborative Action

The Time for comfortable conversation is PAST While open dialogue is important, much of the discussion about racism devolves into virtue signaling and exchange of moral platitudes. Furthermore, many politicians, organizations, and people…



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