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The Victims of racism

The National movement

Collaborative Action

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Bridging The Gaps

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Victims Support

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Strategic Vision

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One thing you can do
right now


Active & Caring Community

We're mobilizing thousands of people to build a world where no person will have to sacrifice their family or freedom, safety or dignity, because of their race or ancestry.


Join Our Voice

Our mission centers around equality for Asians and minorities in America. We demand a government that will institute sustainable policy and programs to remove racial barriers and provide a safe, healthy environment for all citizens.


Conflict and controversy permeates America’s history, but by forming peaceful petitions and movements, we aim to address these issues:

  • Ethic/racial discrimination of any type.
  • Targeted violence towards specific races/ethnicities.
  • Inequities in the criminal justice system & prosecutions.

We need to show our support to those who have faced racism, violence, and social, political and economic inequality. We are asking you to participate in our movement for human rights in 2021 and beyond!

Sign the petition!

Social Equality for All

Our mission is to build a nation where Asians and all minorities are treated equally. We will strive to live in harmony by pursing all avenues so that Asians are provided the same fair treatment, opportunities, and peaceful environment that many Americans are already afforded.

Political leaders are expected to express their opinion on free equal justice by forming the national union (1000 current and former mayors all over the country). We are demanding the following:

  • Equal opportunities to jobs, education, resources, and capital.
  • Broadening and clarifying the legal definition of "hate crime".
  • Increasing the punishment of hate crimes as defined above.
  • Improving Asian-relation programs to build stronger understanding and community.

Sign the petition today so we can lobby our government to make the necessary institutional changes. Contact us now. Let’s make a difference today!

%%your signature%%

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Social Awareness
in the USA

The percentage of Asian American adults who have NEVER experienced sharp social discrimination has fallen to 4.5%
0 %

The number of Asian-Americans who protest is extremely low.  Find your voice today, and let’s speak as one.  Join us in our mission to end racial prejudice against Asians!

Join the Community of Over a Million People


Make a Donation

Global Network Foundation Announces $2.5 Million Fund
to Support Organizing Work

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Donation Total: $50

Take Action

Current Campaigns

Unity & Awareness
WE DO NOT NEED ACCEPTANCE We need equality. Acceptance has the connotation that one group is the dominant or prevailing body, which gives them the power to approve or reject. Asians do not…
Strategic Vision
Action Without Vision is Chaos For far too long, we have been navigating blindly through the complicated labyrinth of systemic racism and prejudice. Substantial steps have been taken and many goals have been…
Victims support
Victims of Racism Stem not only from Violence Victims of racism are often equated to victims of violence. It's true that this is one of the most extreme examples, and we should help…
Bridging the gaps
A Bridge is Needed Because THEy keep WIDENING the gap What do you think is the greatest gap in society between racial groups today? You may come to answers such as wealth, education,… © 2024. All Rights Reserved.