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Help Build a Better Future

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Donation Total: $50

Why should I donate?
There are many ways you can help our cause, whether it be through donations, volunteer work, advertising, or networking.  But monetary donations allow us to push for a variety of goals and visions that may require substantial resources.  They allow us to implement the plans that are are critical to our mission and to the future of Asians and minorities in the United States.  We are all part of the eqAsian, so let’s be part of the solution.

Where does the donation go?
Donations are used to support the infrastructure, programs, and resources that eqAsian and its affiliates utilize, design, execute, and maintain.  We believe in complete transparency and will publish the funding and expense reports along with any corresponding investments on a quarterly basis.  We appreciate your trust in us and and pledge to make the most efficient use of any donation you can provide. © 2024. All Rights Reserved.